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Neuroscientific approach to dealing with stress and burnout

Neuroscientific approach to dealing with stress and burnout

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Neuroscientific approach to dealing with stress and burnout

We will talk about:

✔️ Work-life balance that our brain actually needs to stay productive.

✔️ Understanding the body's stress response and strategies for recovery and resilience.

✔️ Burnout mechanisms, prevention strategies, and recovery techniques.

✔️ Introduction to the SANE framework for stress reduction and resilience building.

Plus, you will be able to assess your stress level, burnout risk, and receive personal recommendations.

I’m Yana, a Neurontegration Expert. Neurointegration is a framework for life transformation based on cutting-edge neuroscience research, coupled with coaching and cognitive-behavioral therapy practices.

Early Bird: 45 PLN | On-site: 60 PLN

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29 maja 2024, środa
Od 1830 Do 2030
ul. Józefa Sarego 5
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